05. Member Migration

This article walks you through how you can migrate your members over to vibefam and seamlessly transit over to a new system.

What can be migrated

  • Member Name
  • Member Email
  • Member Active Packages
    • For example, they purchased a 10-session package and are left with 5 sessions
    • Purchase date of members' packages
    • Expiry date of members' packages
    • Number of sessions remaining in their packages
  • Credit card details if your members are on a recurring membership plan on your current system
    • Important: Your current system must be using Stripe in order for us to migrate it over

Migration Process

  • Go to "Configure" > "Migrate Members"

  • Click on "Download Sample" to access the CSV migration template that you need to fill in. The columns that you see in the template are the data that you need to fill up in order to successfully migrate over.
  • If you are already using an existing booking system (e.g. Glofox, Punchpass, Pushpress, MindBody, Zingfit, Acuity Scheduling, Fit by Wix), you should be able to easily download these data through a report and copy and paste them over to our template

If you encounter any issues here, or need advice on how to retrieve these information from your current booking system, feel free to reach out to your account manager for help

The screenshot above is what the migration template looks like. For the migration to successfully go through, please take note of the following:

  1. Package name must be an exact match to the package name that you have configured on the vibefam administrative portal
    1. You can check that by going to "Configure" > "Package Options"
    2. It does not matter whether the package is public or hidden / "on" or "off"
    3. For example, in the screenshot below, this package is named "Trial Package" so in your migration template, it has to be an exact match (CASE SENSITIVE). It would fail if you put in "Trial package" or "trial package" or "TrialPackage" - you get the idea!
  2. Date purchased must be in the past and cannot be a date in the future and in the DD/MM/YYYY format
  3. Classes left must have fewer classes than the package eligibility
    1. For example, if you are migrating a 10-class package, classes left cannot be 12 (more than 10)
  4. Expiry date must be in the future and cannot be a date in the past and in the DD/MM/YYYY format
    1. If you are migrating members who are no longer active, but you'd still like them to be in the system, consider putting an expiry date of 1 day after the migration date, with 0 classes left. They won't be able to book anymore classes but can be moved to vibefam so you can retain their records in the system

  • Save the file as a CSV once you have updated the template and upload it into the system under "Configure" > "Migrate Members"

  • If you'd like an email to be automatically sent to your members when the upload is complete, select the "Send Email to Members" toggle

  • You should see a progress bar once the migration sheet is successfully uploaded

  • After the migration is successful, all your members will show up in the "view migrated members" tab.

  • Do not be alarmed if the total number of members here does not tally with the total number of members whom you have migrated
    • Only members who have not signed up for an account on vibefam will show up here. Once they have signed up, you can find them in the "Manage Members" page
  • If you would like to send another customized email to remind all your members to sign up for an account on vibefam, click on "Send Email" to customize another push for your members to sign up on vibefam, using our fully customizable email editor

  • Want to send a poster to your members with a step-by-step guide, and add it into your customized email? Refer to our Canva template and customize your own!
  • Do your members need more help? Send this Youtube video to them to guide them on how to sign up on the app after being successfully migrated!

Migrating recurring memberships (from other systems)

#1: Recurring memberships can only be migrated to vibefam if your existing provider is using Stripe as their payment gateway.

#2: Not all providers have enabled migration of payment details. We will check if it is possible by going through the steps below. If your provider has disabled migration of recurring memberships, speak to your vibefam account manager who can advise you on the next steps!

  • Login to your Stripe dashboard and access the "Customers" tab

  • Click on the "Copy" button and "Copy all Customers"

If you are unable to click on the "copy" button, your provider has likely restricted payment data to be migrated to vibefam. Speak to your account manager from vibefam who can advise you on the next steps.

  • You need your new vibefam account ID in the next step. In this step, we recommend you get on a 10-minute zoom call with your Account Manager who can support you in the process of copying your member payment data over to vibefam.

  • Upload the same migration sheet according to the Migration Process above to complete migration of your recurring memberships. Memberships will renew according to the "Expiry Date" that you have recorded in the CSV template.

Classpass Migration

  • Your studio needs to be a listed partner on Classpass in order to successfully integrate or migrate over to vibefam
  • Submit a request to migrate to vibefam on this form
    • Select "I need help with my third-party schedule integrator" > "I'm switching my scheduling platform"
  • You should hear back from Classpass within 3 working days

  • Classpass will ask you for your venue ID from vibefam. Go to the vibefam dashboard and click on "Configure" > "Classpass Integration"
  • Enable all relevant locations for Classpass integration

  • Copy the text that you see in the grey box and send it to your Classpass Account Manager

  • Inform Classpass your desired migration date and they will take care of the rest

IMPORTANT: All existing bookings on Classpass that have been made through your old provider will be cancelled after the migration date. To minimize the impact of the cancelled bookings, decide on a migration date early, then remove all classes after the migration date on Classpass in advance.

Common FAQs

  1. Can I migrate members' phone numbers?

Members phone numbers will not be migrated but when they sign up for an account on your booking site powered by vibefam, they will be prompted to key in their contact numbers so you will continue to have a record of your members' contact numbers as long as they sign up after migration. They also have an option to update their phone numbers in the mobile app after signing up.

  1. Can I migrate past classes that my members have attended?

The migration process will not migrate past classes that members have attended on your previous provider.

  1. After uploading my CSV file, I see an error message "Csv file format incorrect"

Most likely, you have changed the headers on the original CSV template by accident. Ensure that these column headers are updated back to the original template (CASE SENSITIVE) in your CSV file.

Email Full name Package name Date purchased Classes left Expiry date

  1. After uploading my CSV file, I see an error message "Some entries are invalid, please scroll down to view the errors".

The system shows you the rows with errors that need amendment.

Please +1 to the row number indicated in this table, as it does not account for the header row.

If row number 1 has an error, please check row number 2 on your CSV file instead.

It is likely that one of the conditions below were not fulfilled:

  1. Package name must be an exact match to the package name that you have configured on the vibefam administrative portal
    1. You can check that by going to "Configure" > "Package Options"
    2. It does not matter whether the package is public or hidden / "on" or "off"
    3. For example, in the screenshot below, this package is named "Trial Package" so in your migration template, it has to be an exact match (CASE SENSITIVE). It would fail if you put in "Trial package" or "trial package" or "TrialPackage" - you get the idea!
  2. Date purchased must be in the past and cannot be a date in the future
  3. Classes left must have fewer classes than the package eligibility
    1. For example, if you are migrating a 10-class package, classes left cannot be 12 (more than 10)
  4. Expiry date must be in the future and cannot be a date in the past
    1. If you are migrating members who are no longer active, but you'd still like them to be in the system, consider putting an expiry date of 1 day after the migration date, with 0 classes left. They won't be able to book anymore classes but can be moved to vibefam so you can retain their records in the system

  1. I have successfully migrated my members. But why does the total number of "Migrated Members" showing up in the table not tally with the actual number of members I have migrated?

The table shows you all the members who have not signed up for an account on vibefam. Once they have signed up for an account, they will be removed from this list. You can see their details on the "Manage Members" page instead.

  1. My members can't login to the system after being successfully migrated even though they used the same email address that was on the migration sheet.

Please inform all migrated members to sign up instead of login to the system.

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